Keep on keepin' on...

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is that quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow!' (M. Radmacher)

April 1, 2012

Still waiting....

Yep, still waiting. I must say, I'm so happy I wrote out the last post called Feet Grabbing Monsters, which was about the second guessing of everything. It gets really bad during the two week wait. Writing always helps me, though. It helps me release and refocus. Since I wrote that, I've been much better about not second guessing and trying to control everything. Don't get me wrong, the thoughts do still pop into my head, of course they do. I think it's just the nature of this game. A lot of "hurry up and wait." However, when the thoughts pop in now, I catch them - and don't let them carry me away. Writing it out helps me that way.

Although, who knows - feeling kicky pangs in my belly at 12 noon is probably totally me turning pregnant right!? It couldn't possibly just be that I'm hungry for lunch, right? Nah!! That's crazy talk - definitely pregnant!!! Har!!

Anyhow, it's been a pretty peaceful week so far. Just hoping some good things are going on in that big ole belly of mine. I've been crazy tired, though. I definitely think it's the Prometrium that knocks me out. I tell ya, especially after popping one in at 7 am every morning, I could just fall back and sleep all day, it seems. I definitely feel good though. When I get up, I feel fine... it's just I can sleep and sleep... Add in some bizarro dreams and it's a heckuva fun two week wait!!

I've also been walking or working out most days - at least four days a week - so I'm feeling really good about that. I'm trying to build back up my endurance, as I've been terrible about working out the last couple years... Once the panic attacks started, a lot of things went out the window. Time to haul them right back in the window!! I've also been back to tracking my calories etc again. I always do much better when I track. So, just working on getting myself in better shape here.

And hoping, hoping, hoping!!

Have I posted the following before? Maybe I did, but it's what comes to mind lately. I'm sure you'll forgive me if it's a repeat scripture. ♥

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)

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