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Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is that quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow!' (M. Radmacher)

April 21, 2012

A little ironing

I spent a little time today with a dear friend, who I first met during Adventurers week at camp back in 1984!! She was one of my cabin mates. We became friends, and both ended up working at camp for many years after. Well, today she was up from Chicago with her family. It was wonderful to see her!! We don't see each other often anymore, but when we do, it feels just like old times to me. Except that I'm old and broken down now... but that aside, it's just like old times.

She also happens to be an IF survivor, whose journey was long and difficult. She eventually came out the other side with two gorgeous little ones.

I'm eternally grateful that I've been blessed with a few dear friends, who care so deeply about me - so much that they try to understand what I'm going through, and are there for me whether they understand or not. These friends, these soul mates, are a sheltering tree.

I'm also so blessed to have met amazing friends online, who are (unfortunately) in the thick of this with me. These dear friends are hurting along with me - but they still reach out with love and support. These friends, these fellow travelers, are a lifeline.

Today, I was so blessed to be with a friend, who simply understands. There was something so refreshing about not having to try to explain this horrible nightmare that is just... well, unexplainable. A relief to be with someone who doesn't judge if I happen to just start crying in the middle of the mall - not that I would ever do such a thing, of course........ Yeah, there's something very special about being with someone who really remembers... but who has the peace and wisdom that comes from making it through. Such a friend, is is a healing balm.

I thank the good Lord for all these friends!!

I'm so happy that this friend came out on the other side of the nightmare!! I'm happy because I love my friend and she is someone who just - so much - should be a mom, you know... some people are just obviously moms, whether they have kids or not.

I'm also happy about it because maybe, just maybe, it could happen for us too.

Now, don't worry, I know better than to conclude that I'll have the same outcome as she did. Remember, optimist with experience here... But, as my friend told me today, I haven't expired yet. Granted, I have started to feel like I'm getting a bit rancid, but I really do hope she's right.

Every day holds the possibility of a miracle, after all.

Friendship itself is a miracle!!

"As iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend." (Proverbs 27:17)

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